Kadang-Kadang or Bamboo Stilt Game

Kadang, also known as kadang-kadang, in the different regions of the Visayas, is a cherished traditional Filipino game that can be found across the archipelago. It is fundamentally an outdoor racing game that thrives on teamwork.

The main goal is to race to the finish line with unwavering balance and agility. In the official Laro ng Lahi version of the game, the bamboo stilts are an impressive 10 feet in height, and the teams compete over a 100-meter stretch from the starting line to the coveted finish line.

Kadang-Kadang Game Setup

To play this traditional game, you’ll need the following:

Bamboo Stilts

These are the central components of the game. Traditionally, the bamboo poles used for the stilts measure 10 feet in height. However, modern variations may feature even taller stilts.

Stepladder Platform

This is attached to the bamboo poles and serves as the platform for the player’s feet. It’s crucial for maintaining balance while walking on the stilts.

How to Play Kadang-Kadang

It is primarily a racing game that encourages teamwork and challenges players’ balance and agility. Here’s how it’s typically played:

Setting the Scene

Players form two parallel lines, approximately 100 meters apart, designating one as the starting line and the other as the finish line. To keep track of progress, both lines are marked every 25 meters.

Team Formation

Each team consists of four players. They position themselves strategically along the playing area, with the first player behind the starting line, the second behind the 25th-meter mark, the third behind the 50th meter, and the fourth behind the 75th meter.


The rules are straightforward. When the signal “Get Set” is given, the first player at the starting line mounts the bamboo stilts. On the signal “Go,” they begin walking towards the 25th-meter mark.

Passing the Stilts

Upon reaching the 25th-meter mark, the first player hands off the stilts to the second player, who continues the race to the 50th-meter mark. This relay-style pattern continues with the third and fourth players until they reach the finish line.

Rules and Challenges

Players must maintain their balance on the stilts throughout the race. If a player falls off the stilts twice before reaching the finish line or gets off the stilts after taking two steps, they are considered “out” or disqualified.

Learning and Fun

The game offers an excellent platform for players to develop various skills and values:


Players must focus on maintaining their balance and coordination.


The game encourages cooperation among team members as they pass the stilts to one another.


Learning to win and lose gracefully is an essential aspect of playing Kadang-Kadang.

A similar racing game, known as “tayakad” or “tiyakad“, swaps out the bamboo stilts for coconut shells with strings inserted through the holes. This variation adds yet another layer of excitement to this beloved Filipino tradition.

Kadang, with its blend of physical dexterity and teamwork, continues to bring joy to the hearts of Filipino children and stands as a testament to the enduring charm of traditional Filipino games.

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Cover photo by PAGCOR

Additional Information

Read more about the Traditional Filipino Games.


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